Vacuum packed Abalone is becoming more popular each year from retail sellers to top end restaurants. This is due to the fact that simply all you have to do is open the pouch and slice the Abalone to desired thickness and eat! This is great as there are no special requirements for store except to keep in a cool dry place. They also have a shelf life to up to 18 months.
Vacuum packed Abalone undergoes the same initial steps as frozen abalone, but once they are clean and graded they are placed into their bags. The bag sizes vary to customer requirements.
Once the Abalone is placed into their bags they are vacuum sealed then cooked in a retort. This insures the natural flavours and juices from the Abalone remain locked in the bag till consumption.
Australian abalone has the highest reputation in the world for quality and taste, due to high management systems in place from government bodies abalone from Australia is of the highest quality and fished for sustainability.
What nature began – nurturing the abalone in an ideal environment – quality processes maintain with all abalone sorted, measured, shucked and washed fresh on the boat at sea – and then stored in insulated containers. After a day of fishing, abalone is unloaded on-shore and transported in refrigerated vehicles for processing.
Blue Dolphin Australia abalone is marketed under the brand, Southern Cape, the vacuumed sealed Blacklip abalone are in great demand and handpicked by divers from the cool clear waters off the South Australian coastline. These cold unpolluted growing conditions, naturally flushed by strong tidal currents, are perfect for helping the product develop its firm fleshy consistency and superb taste.
Scientific name:
- Haliotis rubra
Product Specifications:
- Vacuumed sealed, heat sterilized
- Whole abalone
- Handpicked by divers
- Single packs are graded at 100-130gm, 130-150gm and 150 – 180gm.
- 2 whole available at 200gm or 250gm packs.
- 3, 4 and 5 whole are available in 500gm packs.
Standard Packing:
- 10kg cardboard boxes
- Air freight